Sunday, April 9, 2017

Mandela Effect, Quantum Effect, Timeline Shift Online Spiritual Counseling by Reverend Crystal Cox

I am and EXPERT in the Mandela Effect, which I call Timeline Shift. It is also called many other names as you see in the keywords below.  I am also a Psychic and a Spiritual Counselor / Advisor. If you would like advice on the "Mandela Effect" as it pertains to YOU personal or if you want to understand more of what is happening as you notice CLEAR timeline changes and people around you do not believe you or understand what is happening to you; I provide Readings, Spiritual Counseling regarding what most call the Mandela Effect. I do this full time, for a living, and I do charge for this service, though I give free advice daily, I no longer have time for Free Psychic readings and Mandela Advising as I have made this my full time focus, along with my New Earth Ministry (Universal Church of Light).

I am not saying I know everything about the Mandela Effect, nor can I explain every detail you may seek. However, I am an Expert on the topic and have personally experienced it. What is called the Mandela Effect, turned my life in an instant. First it was interesting, WOW. Then it was OMG, then I was angry, then I dug deeper into what it all meant to me personally, mass consciousness and the Universe as a Whole.

I am not from the Timeline I am in. I am not afraid, however, NOTHING an be the same for me. Once you know that this can happen and has happened, how can life ever be the same. And if you have no one in your life who believes you, well it's as if you jumped into a body that was in a life you don't know or get and well the body looks like you and they think you should know. It is VERY challenging for many. I find it helps to understand the process.

My readings and ongoing spiritual counseling and advice is focused on you personally, your life, your experiences and helping you to have the tools and understanding to move forward and not, as they say, "Freak Out". To assist you to stay grounded as we move through this process and to comfort and counsel you as those around you have no idea what you are going through and in fact may push you to getting "help" as they call it, or to go on "meds" or worse.

If you would like Mandela Effect, Quantum Effect Online Spiritual Counseling please pay via Our
PayPal account by sending money to the email, once we get your payment we will email you for an appointment, oftentimes the appointment can be in that same day if you need or want.

We charge $25 Introductory, for our first reading online, after this our rates vary. We will discuss this with you after your first session, if you want to go further.

KEYWORDS, Other Names for What Many / Most call the Mandela Effect

Quantum Shift, Paradigm Shift, Timeline Shift, Changing Timelines, Paradigm Shift, Reality Shift, Time Travel, Time Jumping, Quantum Jumping, Quantum Effect, Mandela Effect, Parallel Lives, Parallel Universes, Alternate History, Quantum Healing (Psychic Surgery), Earth Transporting, Parallel Realities, Parallel Dimensions, Quantum Leap, 5D Ascension, Timeline Merge, Timeline Collapsing.

Mandela Effect, Quantum Effect Online Spiritual Counseling by Reverend Crystal Cox

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


"by Valerie Love

I am a Christian Witch.

Now before you get your panties in a bunch, hear me out.

Christians who hate the idea of a Christian Witch say, in deep ignorance and fear, that Witches worship the devil, and that witchcraft is inherently diametrically opposed to Christianity.

I’ll address this in a moment…

Witches who hate the idea purport you can’t be a witch and simultaneously in league with our torturers and murderers from times not so long ago, and by no means forgotten.

I say there’s a different take on it that maybe neither side is considering… after all, a spiritual tradition is fluid, not rigid.

My mother was a witch, who’s now on the other side of the veil. When she was here, she walked the planet as a devoted Jehovah’s Witness for almost 50 years (talk about faithful, I can’t think of anything I’ve stuck with for that long…)

Of course, we didn’t know mom was a witch when she was in form here in the third dimension. But time has clearly revealed her witchy ways…

She could make anything out of anything, and I do mean anything out of anything.

When she wanted a pair of boots to match her outfit, and couldn’t find exactly what she was looking for in any store, she declared she was going to make a pair. All four of us (her kids) laughed like crazy, until a few hours later when she emerged from her sewing room with a new pair of boots on to match her newly sewn outfit.

She had the last laugh. Again.

Mom did more witchy things than I can shake the proverbial broomstick at, and of course, it never dawned on us, at least consciously, that a fundamentalist Christian would be a witch.

Truth be told, I don’t know if mom ever consciously embraced it herself.

Neverless, she was ever brewing up, sewing up, creating something out of nothing, giving people the evil eye (especially us kids when we were out of order, which doubled as a handy stunning spell) and generally enchanting the men in her life. All while managing to look quite gorgeous.

Not to mention her favorite color was purple.

Mom deciding to redo the entire living room in purple, including finding the infamous purple sofa and loveseat, still stands in the annals of history in our family as one of the biggest WTF?!?!? she ever pulled off.

Ah yes, mom was very witchy and very wonderful. She literally oozed magick; her witch’s shimmer was visceral.

And she was a devout Christian.

So while her demeanor, bearing, habits, behaviors and uncanny ways of knowing things that no one knew all bespoke witch, her words and dedication to the Witness religion was apparent.

She had chosen sides. The Christian won in public. But the Witch won under the surface.

Now on to my grandmother, another witchy wonder who spelled the entire family with her version of a desert she mysteriously called ‘yum-yum’ (which no one could make quite like her and none of us had more than a vague idea of what she was putting in it).

We only knew it had an unhuman grip on us. Whenever grandma was making ‘yum-yum’ an irresistible urge came over us all to bolt for the kitchen and drool before the oven door.

She would sit in the kitchen grinning like a Cheshire cat, like she had a big fat secret, always with that one witchy eyebrow up.

As for enchanting the men in her world, well that was par for the freakin’ course.

Mom and grandma had the 10 traits of witches down pat, and they weren’t even trying.

Meanwhile, my grandmother on my father’s side had a garden in the backyard from which she made green concoctions whenever any of us turned up ill.

What she was boiling up in that big kettle on the stove was anybody’s guess.

The stuff worked like a charm (because it was).

Trust me, I never saw it coming.

While the women in my life were doing hands down witchy stuff on the regular, they were steadfastly proclaiming their allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Go figure.

These witches found the most clever disguise: Christianity.

Who would accuse one, or even suspect one, of being a witch if you’re the biggest Christian going?

All this caused me to come to the realization I shared recently on my YouTube channel: you don’t have to throw Jesus away just because you remember you ain’t a muggle.

Jesus, or as I prefer to refer to him, Yeshua was, in my humble estimation and opinion (not that anybody’s asking for it, but what the hay) one of the most magnificent, elegant, masterful witches who ever walked the planet.

Yep, he was a Bad Witch!

That’s why I love him. I may have learned more about the magickal arts and sciences from studying his always cryptic messages (not as the Bible is taught to Christians, but as a metaphysical tome of allegory, myth, legend and prose that I get to deeply dissect within the cavern of my own soul).

My particular faves are the Gnostic Gospels, the Bible with Apocrypha and all the Kabbalistic writings I can put my paws on.

I find the legends of Enoch, Moses, Ezekiel, Daniel and others in the Bible to be among the greatest magickal feats I could study and aspire to.

I could say more here about the long line of witches I am from going back to the slave trade, and the diaspora that I am progeny of.

Indeed, my personal brand of witchcraft is an integration of elements from Yoruba, HooDoo Rootwork, traditional witchcraft, Kabbalah and all the traditions of the world that have touched my spirit in my global travels and deserve a place in my practice.

Every witch must walk her/his own path.

I am heir to a rich legacy of Christians and Witches, and I am unwilling to relinquish either.

Indeed what makes my magick powerful for me is, in a word, integration of all that I AM, including all I’ve received from the ancestors.

So there you have it, a Christian Witch, descended from many witches who sat inside churches, or Kingdom Halls, or at the ‘rock’ in the middle of the night on the plantation, or other places and spaces of worship, content to be their witchy selves, and probably who cast spells on the way to their holy houses, while completely at peace with Christ, the Bible and their interpretation of the whole affair.

Yes. I’m a Christian Witch. Like my mama, and her mama before her.

About the Author:

Rev. Valerie Love is a practicing Christian Witch who’s on a soul mission to dispel fear and ignorance around the integration of the Craft and Christ. She has a collection of witch hats named after witches she loves (here seen wearing Hermione Granger). Her YouTube is devoted to magick, money & metaphysics and she serves a tribe of thousands of Christian Witches on Facebook. Visit the website at  "


Friday, September 23, 2016

Data Storage In Crystal Quartz Will Change Everything! - The Crystal Skulls

"You know how much I LOVE talking about new technology, right? Well, this is one that is going to blow your mind, make an excellent case for the Crystal Movement, and also mop the floor with “limited data storage” forever!

There’s a new kind of storage device which many tech companies have been diving into in secret for the past few years, which Hitachi recently came out with a technology they are developing which is essentially a sheet of Quartz Glass, which could potentially save data up to 300 Million Years!

If you didn’t know anything about storage devices that we currently have, but anything from records, CD’s, USB sticks, magnetic tape, none of these can even lay a finger on this new, very impressive technology.

“The prototype is made of a square of quartz two centimeters wide and two millimeters thick. It houses four layers of dots that are created with a femtosecond laser, which produces extremely short pulses of light. The dots represent information in binary form, a standard that should be comprehensible even in the distant future and can be read with a basic optical microscope. Because the layers are embedded, surface erosion would not affect them.” - From the Scientific American Journal

Now, while this is exciting, there’s more to it than just that. See, While Hitachi currently has an actual produceable thing which they will probably start marketing once they figure out a simple means of transferring data to say, computers and television, the basic model they have (see picture above) only has the data storage capacity slightly better than a CD.

But that’s not to say that this tech is doomed, simply that it’s young… and even then, some people are already working on a bigger and better thing!

Scientists in the University of Southhampton in the UK have been developing an even MORE incredible technology. It’s called “Superman” Crystals, and potentially has the storage capacity of up to 350 TB, and can last forever!

Superman graphic

Image Right: A graphic depicting a 5D optical storage writing setup: femtosecond laser, spatial light modulator (SLM), Fourier lens (FL), half-wave plates matrix (»/2 M), dichroic mirror, 1.2 NA water immersion objective, silica glass sample, translation stage. (Image: University of Southhampton)

“The scientists used a femtosecond laser, which emits pulses of light in femtoseconds (one quadrillionth, or one millionth of one billionth of a second). The 5D read/write laser can record up to an estimated 360 TB/disc data capacity on nano-structured glass capable of thermal stability up to 1000°C — and a practically unlimited lifetime. The information encoding comes in five dimensions that include the size and orientation in addition to the three dimensional position of these nano-structures.” - Computerworld

It seems Crystals still got some magic after all . And they don’t have to just be in your pocket, they might be the basis for all of our computers in the future. I mean, they are now, but perhaps even more so. :) -SS

The Crystal Skulls

You’ve all heard of the ancient crystal skulls and the stories that they supposedly contain a repository of knowledge.. Well, the scientists at hitachi may have just revived an ancient advanced technology. It has been said throughout history that the crystal skulls contain ancient knowledge possibly dating back to the time of Atlantis, or  even further.

Information on a grand scale. The skulls are said to contain the answers to human evolution, universal information, planetary information, and most valuable of all, humankind’s destiny and true purpose. The legend claims that at a time of great need, the skulls will be discovered and reunited. The information they provide will save the human race. The legend forewarns, however, that mankind must be able to accept the knowledge morally and spiritually.

This data can seemingly exist forever, enduring extreme temperatures and hostile conditions without degrading… at least until the sun begins to die and expands to consume the earth, that is.

Hitachi researcher Kazuyoshi Torii said that quartz glass is highly stable and resilient material, used to make beakers and other instruments for laboratory use. Due to the medium, the chip is waterproof, resistant to many chemicals and unaffected by radio waves. Even more, it can be exposed directly to high temperature flames and heated to 1,832 Fahrenheit for at least two hours without being damaged.

“We believe data will survive unless this hard glass is broken,” said senior researcher Takao Watanabe.

Rather than storing precious information for mankind in an ordinary piece of quartz that could have been lost in time, the ancients chose to store their wisdom in a receptacle shaped like a human head. These would be used in many rituals and ceremonies, and passed down from generation to generation. In the same way that our human skull protects and holds the brain, a crystal skull is a mind-like container that holds a generational library of knowledge – from ancient history to a blueprint of possible futures.


Crystal Skulls & New 5D Crystal Data Storage Technology!

Flat Earth For Beginners - Hold Onto Your Hat, Earth Is Flat!

Flat Earth For Beginners - Hold Onto Your Hat, Earth Is Flat!

Andrew Bartzis: Galactic Historian - Andrew Bartzis explores humanity's galactic ancestry at the ET Disclosure Online Summit

Antarctica, Flat Earth Clues, Hollow Earth, Admiral Byrd ~ Lisa M Harrison w' Mark Sargent - The MOTHER of all Conspiracies

Antarctica, Flat Earth Clues, Hollow Earth, Admiral Byrd ~ Lisa M Harrison w' Mark Sargent - The MOTHER of all Conspiracies

Dr. Suzanne Lie & The Arcturians ~ A Peek Into the 5th Dimension

Dr. Suzanne Lie & The Arcturians ~ A Peek Into the 5th Dimension


Sunday, July 17, 2016

Nibiru is the SUN of Righteousness. 

Nibiru / Planet X is not going to Impact Earth nor cause destruction. Science, Physics here on Earth don't know so SO much, they will be learning lot's more as we move along. 

Nibiru will merge with Earth. 

Earth is Sophia, the Mother Goddess, Feminine Divine. Nibiru is the Christ Consciousness, Father, Masculine Divine.  The Consciousness will Merge. It is shown to me that yes we will hit, be affected by the energy field, quantum field and planet of what Earthlings Call Nibiru or Planet X, however, we will then merge, there will be LOVE, Cleansing, Healing, Wholeness and Not Destruction.
The Dark Cabal, our controllers, our enslavers, will be moved to "Elsewhere" and Heaven as in our stories, Peace and True Freedom as in the longing of our Hearts, will be our Reality. Time, Money, Power, War, Greed, Taxes, Big Pharma, Military, Corruption, will NO longer be in our Reality.
Nibiru / Planet X is the Christ Consciousness, wings and all Changing the resonance, the consciousness of Mother Earth and all her people, plants and animals. Awakening all Purging truth.

Earth is Sophia, the 8th Sister of the Pleiades. Nibiru is Jesus, Archangel Michael, the Christ Consciousness Returning. We are awakening, the Truth is being shown, the Darkness is being Purges. Love WON. Light WON. We are Ascending Now, on Mother Earth, all of Us.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Synthesis and the Sacred Feminine: Respect for the Great Mother God / Goddess must rise.

"The New Epoch must manifest due respect to the Mother of the World, to the feminine element." ~ Helena Roerich

"The bird of the Spirit of Humanity cannot fly with only one wing.*

The Epoch of Maitreya is the Epoch of the Mother of the World.**"

The Epoch of Maitreya is the Epoch of the Mother of the World.**

It seems the time has come, as we move more fully into the Aquarian Age, working for the Reappearance of the Christ, that we, the worldwide esoteric community, do our utmost to honor the aspect of the Sacred Feminine and restore Her to our everyday consciousness. 

Clearly in the works of Agni Yoga the call has gone forth, "The New Epoch must manifest due respect to the Mother of the World, to the feminine element." (Letters of Helena Roerich, Volume One) And, with this, there is much work to be done.

The rebirth of the Christ consciousness requires greater resonance of the feminine aspect within humanity. The new yoga, that of the Yoga of Synthesis asks that we work with the balance of the two energies—the masculine and the feminine; spirit and matter. 

The Eastern religions have always kept the flames of the feminine alive with many deities honoring the Mother of the World, but here in the West, a predominantly patriarchal system along with the distortion of materialism, has done great damage. The Master Morya in the Agni Yoga books reminds us of the need for "Golden Balance" and he refers to this fundamental principal as "Dual Origin."

Stirrings of new waves of consciousness can come in unexpected ways. Whether accepted as fact or fiction, the recent popular film and book, "The Da Vinci Code", has rekindled the image of the lost feminine. "The Gospel of Mary Magdalene", translation and commentary by Jeans-Yves Leloup, gives us insight into a female initiate's experience of Christ. This information can set us thinking in new ways about balance and synthesis.

In Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey, the Tibetan remarks on the Virgo esoteric keynote which is "I am the Mother and the child, I God, I matter am." He states, "The time has come when you can, if you so choose, proclaim your identity with both divine aspects, matter and spirit, the mother and the child."

It is interesting to go back in history to reflect on the terrible persecution that women have endured. In the Letters of Helena Roerich Volume Two, she reveals that the battle between Lucifer and the Great Brothers had much to do with the degradation of women. "Remarkable is the fact that in order to achieve his [Lucifer's] goal of becoming the full and only ruler of Earth, his chief efforts were directed toward the humiliation of women. He knew that with the demeaning of women, the coarsening and degeneration of humanity was unavoidable."

She goes on to write that with the New Epoch, the incoming energies of Uranus and Venus would bring the "Renaissance of Women."

Certainly we have seen great strides with women's rights in the last decades. The current United Nations Millennium Development Goals address the problem of gender equality in goal three. However, the UN update from 2005 reports that despite improvements, women hold only 16% of parliamentary positions throughout the world today. We need more women in leadership roles.
How can we do our part in the work of the Restoration of the Mother of the World to enable the Reappearance of the Christ?

First, we can recognize the qualities of the Mother and implement them in our daily thoughts, meditation and service. We can deepen our appreciation of the beauty of the feminine image and the subtle energies of the Heart-sacrifice and courage, practicing these in our daily lives.

Another quote from the Letters of Helena Roerich, Volume One is even more sobering as to our responsibility in creating synthesis: "Could the terrors and crimes of today be possible if both Origins had been balanced? In the hands of woman lies the salvation of Humanity and our planet. Woman must realize her significance, the great mission of the Mother of the World. She should be prepared to take responsibilities for the destiny of Humanity." These are powerful words that we need to hear and heed.

Synchronicity in current events can confirm new patterns of group thought. On his recent visit to America, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri Al-Maliki, addressed a joint session of Congress. His words on greater equality and respect for Iraqi women received a standing ovation. Basic human rights that have been denied so many women for so long are now being brought into the light.

It is with these and other subtle changes that we can return the Mother of the World to her sacred throne here on Earth and in so doing make way for the Coming One."

Source and more

In Mother Goddess we TRUST

Talk to Mother God, speak within, listen NOT to naysayers. Your relationship to Mother God / Goddess is sacred to you and not up for explanation, debate or permission ~ Reverend Crystal Cox.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Mother God Thank you for All things Beautiful and Divine

Catholic Church to Revamp It's Teachings of the Native American Mission Experience

"With the California Mission's founder about to be named a saint, the church plans to be more sensitive to the heartache natives suffered.

With the pope expected to canonize Father Junipero Serra, who founded California’s first nine missions, the Catholic Church has announced plans to address the Native American experience with more sensitivity and truthfulness.

A Los Angeles bishop will oversee a review of third- and fourth-grade Catholic school curriculum to ensure it better reflects a contemporary understanding of Native American history, it was announced. Along with the curriculum review, church officials will review displays, signage and training materials used to train docents and guides at the state’s missions.

Bishop Edward Clark, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and a long-time liaison with the state’s Indian communities, will lead the 18- month review, which will include an examination of the cultural content at California missions under church authority.

The review will aim for culturally-sensitive and historically accurate enhancements to grade-school portrayals of Indian life, as well as to traditional teaching on the missions themselves, according to the California Catholic Conference. “The mission era gave rise to modern California, but it also gave rise to controversy and to heartache when seen through the eyes of the First Californians,” said Sacramento Bishop Jaime Soto, president of the California Catholic Conference.

“For many years, the Indian experience has been ignored or denied, replaced by an incomplete version of history focused more on European colonists than on the original Californians,” he said.

The announcement comes on the eve of the canonization of Father Junipero Serra, the 18th century Franciscan priest who helped convert thousands of native Californians to Christianity.

Pope Francis is expected to canonize Father Serra on Sept. 23 during his visit to Washington, D.C.

“Today, on the verge of Father Serra’s canonization, the time has come to confront that incomplete history and to work with Native American educators, respected historians, Catholic school officials and others to change that and to reflect the best scholarship we can about that era,” said Ken Laverone, provincial vicar of the Franciscan Province of Santa Barbara, a partner in the educational effort.

Soto said the initiative will also advise on ways to make the missions relevant for tribal members.

“By definition, reconciliation isn’t just about the past, it’s also about the future,” the bishop said. “And the future of California’s missions won’t be complete until tribal members feel welcomed and included in mission life today.”


David Icke's Revelations of a Mother Goddess

Abraham Hicks - The Universe Is Waiting On Your Vibration To Deliver

Abraham Hicks-Talk To Your Inner Being

Abraham Hicks-You and Jesus are the same

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Real People Love and Care about Real People.

If people are loving and embracing refugees. And PEOPLE love people, and help people as most of us do. Then who are these military's representing REALLY as they Bomb PEOPLE?  ~  YOU are paying for the military in your country to bomb people and cause them to flee to the sea. For parents to take this risk, what we are paying for must be truly evil and horrific. STOP supporting military oppressing in other countries or our own really.

Babies washing up on shores. REAL BREATHING BABIES. ~ What would Jesus Do? Where is the Holy in all these Holy Wars? Bigger Tables NOT Bigger Walls

People, there is literally BABIES washing up on shore. And our TV is showing us a hateful Immigration War here in America. A war on the people that are escaping HORROR, much of which We are part of, pay for, fight in or condone on some level.

Our military is part of what these folks are fleeing, as is the European military, yet they will not bring in those fleeing from their actions to survive.

People are running from war. Literally from being shot at, near, or their area in this world being bombed.  A war that has nothing to do with us real people. Nothing to do with you or with people, families, like you and me in other countries who simply want peace, kindness, love, food, water, warmth and comfort.

These bombs are about Oil, Greed and protecting false values, and a made up monetary system. About fighting for resources in and on Mother Earth that truly there need be no fight, no killing over.

As I believe it is also a galactic, or universal battle of light and dark playing out all over the universe. We can do something, we can dance, love, heal, feed people, and STOP supporting war. STOP funding military invasions and start feeding people. The people of God, of Mother Earth with no borders. God has no border. Jesus has no Border. Buddha has no border. Shamans have no borders.

Our rivers are flooding with poison from Oil companies. The Native Americans are still being persecuted by a white authority. Judges are not obeying law. Toxins are spewed in our air and water with no accountability and all because of Greed.

People, real sacred living breathing humans are washing up on shores to escape events that the U.S along with other countries are partaking in. The military is doing this and what is the real reason? The actually real reason and has it anything to do with the Holy Spirit? Does it support the Dark or support the LIGHT?

The dark is rising, for, let's say it's last fight, and the light will win. I know this and trust the process. However, I do find ways to take action, pray, intention, physical action, awareness, whistle blowing and more. And it is a fact that, as white Americans for the most part, who pay taxes and support war, well this is our life force, our money, our energy. WE, our military, is part of this? And thus our energy. Making a stand for the LIGHT is crucial in my belief.

Those who choose to join the military, and be a part of this cause is a choice. For me personally I do not believe that our military protects us. I don't believe we are truly, TRULY a free people. And I believe our military is made to and paid to do dark things that oppress other nations, starting with the Indian Nation, and the Spanish that were in America before the white folks were.

Noise pollution from jets, killing people in other country's, underwater testing that affect sea life BADLY, and all this to train and go to other countries and terrorize people? And in the name of protecting us? from What? Babies washing up on our shores? They act as if they are protecting us, but from what. Godliness. ..??

Certainly God, the Great Spirit has no need for soldiers of man to go about judging and killing each other's tribes or staking claim over Mother Earth's resources.

God or even life that is more advanced then us from and on other planets can do big things in an instant. Man thinking they are the ones that are to make these choices, is simply futile in the big picture and seriously oppressive in the small picture, the individual life or local community life.

Why spend billions of dollars needed by people to eat, be warm, clothed and sheltered, to go and protect the interest of big oil, to go and terrorize and displace people in other countries in the alleged name of defending them and their land, yet they are washing up dead on our shores, on Europe's shores.

It is not about the REAL People or they would not be running from us and other countries at war in their land to avoid bombs killing them. They risk drowning to get away from this battle that is nothing to do with the lives of real people, people like us.

Send Love. Send Light. Make a Stand if Only in your Own Thoughts, mind and prayers.

I am for Raising the Consciousness of Mother Earth, and her people. ALL of THEM.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox ~
