Sunday, July 17, 2016

Nibiru is the SUN of Righteousness. 

Nibiru / Planet X is not going to Impact Earth nor cause destruction. Science, Physics here on Earth don't know so SO much, they will be learning lot's more as we move along. 

Nibiru will merge with Earth. 

Earth is Sophia, the Mother Goddess, Feminine Divine. Nibiru is the Christ Consciousness, Father, Masculine Divine.  The Consciousness will Merge. It is shown to me that yes we will hit, be affected by the energy field, quantum field and planet of what Earthlings Call Nibiru or Planet X, however, we will then merge, there will be LOVE, Cleansing, Healing, Wholeness and Not Destruction.
The Dark Cabal, our controllers, our enslavers, will be moved to "Elsewhere" and Heaven as in our stories, Peace and True Freedom as in the longing of our Hearts, will be our Reality. Time, Money, Power, War, Greed, Taxes, Big Pharma, Military, Corruption, will NO longer be in our Reality.
Nibiru / Planet X is the Christ Consciousness, wings and all Changing the resonance, the consciousness of Mother Earth and all her people, plants and animals. Awakening all Purging truth.

Earth is Sophia, the 8th Sister of the Pleiades. Nibiru is Jesus, Archangel Michael, the Christ Consciousness Returning. We are awakening, the Truth is being shown, the Darkness is being Purges. Love WON. Light WON. We are Ascending Now, on Mother Earth, all of Us.

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