Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Bringing Back the Goddess, Goddess Worship. Bring the GODDESS back to the forefront. We must connect with and Nurture Mother Earth. We Must Worship and Give Thanks to Goddess.

"Bringing Back the Goddess
with Prince Hirindra Singh, PhD
by Julia Griffin
The man must worship the Goddess to get what he wants. But men never say this. I'm the only guy I know who is running around saying this.

Prince Hirindra Singh is a well-known vedic astrologer and teacher who has very definite ideas about the Goddess — how she was lost to Western civilization, and what we can do to help bring her back into our lives.

While profound, the solutions he offers are simple. "Truth," he says, "is not complex."

Julia: I understand that your studies have led you to believe that European domination separated us from the Goddess principle. Can you tell me more about this?

Prince Hirindra:  Europe initially worshipped the Goddess — the feminine principle of         heat, warmth, compassion, and love.

The people of India, Tibet, and China still worship the Goddess, as did the aboriginal peoples. 

There are thousands of statues of goddesses, carbon dated to be as much as 40,000 years old, that support the evidence of a worldwide Goddess Culture.

Man was the protector, but spirituality, healing, and compassion were associated with the woman. 

Essentially, the woman was the flame, and the man protected his flame because she gave him warmth, understanding, and compassion.

She was the symbol of "we" because she provided for the family, and he was the symbol of "I" because he protected the family.

There are no real values in the people of government and nations today — it is all about "me." Capitalism has been exported to every country in the world, and it has transported this selfish concept of "me" or an attitude of "my money." It supports competition and not cooperation.

Western Loss of the Goddess

Catholicism is still alive, not because of Jesus Christ, but because of Our Lady. ... 

The only mantra in Catholicism is, "Hail Mary, full of Grace."

The destruction of the Goddess concept began with the Greeks, who depicted Zeus in their mythology as the violator who rapes his sister Hera.

Hera becomes his wife, a demon-like woman who rages with jealousy at the exploits of her husband. Pettiness, manipulation, and cunning were the focus of the Goddess myths of the Greek culture.

Women began to be looked upon as weak, cunning, manipulative, and demonic. Women's power was reduced through these myths.

The Greeks very intelligently imposed this belief system, and the Romans adopted it. Interestingly, the Greeks and Romans never destroyed any religion in their conquering.

The Greeks conquered for knowledge, and the Romans conquered for monetary gain to support their armies. But nevertheless, the Goddess went into the background, and the patriarchs took the power.

Following the Greek and Roman cultures, the ancient Muslims and Mongolians of the Middle East, together with the Europeans, imposed their beliefs upon the world. 

The Europeans achieved this infliction of beliefs through food, education, and violence. The Muslims imposed their beliefs through violence and art.

Five countries — France, Holland, Portugal, England, and Spain — destroyed the world. Holland took the Indonesian peninsula. Then Spain and Portugal took South America, and France and England took North America, Canada, India, and Africa.

The Europeans and Muslims were demons that destroyed the Goddess and, in turn, the family.

They destroyed the beliefs of the indigenous nations who believed in the Goddess, and thus destroyed the culture.

Even after the patriarchs took over Europe, people still continued to worship the Mother, particularly in the south of France, where they worshipped Mary Magdalene, or the Black Madonna. Catholicism is still alive, not because of Jesus Christ, but because of Our Lady.

Europe did not want to accept Christianity, so the Catholics agreed that the Mother was the mother of Christ. Mary was the first principle, and then Jesus. The only mantra in Catholicism is, "Hail Mary, full of Grace."

Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church in order to divorce Catherine of Aragon. He wrote a letter to the Pope protesting Catholicism, and he created the Episcopal religion. He became the head of the Church of England, and his entire patriarchal belief was imposed with violence.

Catholic history is the history of popes; Christian history is the history of kings.

Women then went into the background and began to focus on their children. Their qualities of leadership and inspiration went into the background.

The change came as these beliefs were imposed through the five countries, and, through violence, creating a world where there was no real respect for women. Europe imposed this belief on most of the world in only 500 years.

Coming Back to the Divine Feminine

Woman was once seen as the symbol of love. 

Now, woman has become the symbol of sex.

Julia: What can we do to change the value system? How do we change from this to a system that is compassionate and loving?

Prince Hirindra: How will women today create a rightful position and an edifice for healing, spiritualism, and compassion?

We have to look at how we see the world. 

Woman was once seen as the symbol of love. Now, woman has become the symbol of sex.

Woman is not the symbol of sex. She is the Cosmic Mother. 

When sex is given all of the importance, the woman is diminished. Without respect, there is no love. What people consider to be love today is attachment and passion. It is not love.

We must come back to what is simple — values like love and innocence. 

The woman must be worshipped as a goddess, and she, in turn, worships her husband as a god. This is a natural state of respect.

Abundance comes from the woman, not the man. In the matriarchal countries, such as Tibet, India, and China, we ask the Goddess for abundance, not the God. In these countries, a man asks the Goddess for all that he needs — there is not a single prayer that does not begin with the Goddess. All Hindu prayers call first upon the Goddess and only then upon the God.

The protector is the male, and the nourisher is the female. You always worship the female, not the male.

The man must worship the Goddess to get what he wants. But men never say this. I'm the only guy I know who is running around saying this.

The Goddess gives our daily needs. When we go to the Goddess, there is immediately compassion. With the God, there is the sword or the gun.

Earth as the Center of Worship

The problem is not God; God is Light. 

The problem is the mind. So we must enLighten the mind.

Julia: How can we bring back the respect for the Goddess that the matriarchal societies once had?

Prince Hirindra: The only way to bring back respect for women is to bring about the Mother Earth principle. Earth must become the center of worship. We should worship the extension of God.

In Western thinking, God and his Creation are separate. In India, God and his Creation are connected.

Everything in Creation is an extension of the Mother. For instance, if the Sun is God, then its rays represent Creation. We are the rays of its creation. Your ray or my ray may be 100 watts. The rays of someone else may be 22 watts. A prophet may be a million watts. The wattage of the rays of the Sun is what this entire Cosmos is about.

The Sun is the extension of God's eternal Light. This is what we believe in India, and so we worship the Sun. But God is beyond human comprehension. So if God is incomprehensible, then why do we waste time trying to understand this?

Let us move into what is comprehensible — Creation, or the Feminine.

The problem is not God; God is Light. The problem is the mind. So we must enLighten the mind. Therefore let's bring back the belief that everything in Creation is the extension of the Cosmic Mother. In India, we call this Shakti.

We must begin to worship Mother Earth again. When the Pope gets off the plane, he kisses the Earth. In India, we leave the house, we touch the Earth, and then we touch our Third Eye. All men in India used to do that.

So we start by looking upon Mother Earth, because she is the feminine.

Cleansing Through Fire and Water

It is not the exhaust from SUVs that's polluting the world — it is the energy from living in fear that is polluting the world.

Julia: How will the return to the Goddess take place on a planet-wide basis?

Prince Hirindra: How can this whole planet return to the Goddess? The only way is through a kind of violence. Man has gone crazy.

Only an act of God or the Goddess can make this right — Mother Earth cannot handle six billion egos — and she will use two elements of nature for this cleansing of the six billion ticks that are crawling into her body.

Fire and water will be used for purification. There will be disasters in the world between 2004 and 2012. There will be tidal waves, hurricanes, and fires.

Shouldn't we stop talking about the environment the way they do in California? If we are living in anger, fear, and revenge, then it is not the exhaust from SUVs that's polluting the world — it is the energy from living in fear that is polluting the world.

When we touch the flowers, they smile and bloom for us. Instead of blaming everyone for pollution, we should understand that it is our thoughts that are creating it.

Everyone is afraid of these changes, so the fear is growing. Unless we have a connection with Mother Earth, we cannot be safe.

With the fear, we can either get to the indweller, which teaches us about love, or we can dwell on the outside, with fear.

Let us get to the premise of this thoughtform: There is either love or fear. Where there is love, there is no hatred, revenge, or fear — these reactive emotions that have taken over the world.

You can use either fear or love to go to God. Love has not worked for two thousand years, so Mother Earth will have to use devastation for her cleansing. It will be fear — the thought that my neighbors lost their home in an earthquake, for example — that brings us back to Mother Earth. Then we will connect with the Goddess.

When we worship the Goddess in India, everyone laughs at us, but we don't care. We're not ashamed of the Goddess. Women are speaking about the Goddess, but men don't listen. Men have to talk about the Goddess, or about the greatness of women. Women and Goddess have to come into one breath.

3 Steps to Bring the Goddess Into our Lives

The Goddess will not come back unless we start on a simple level in the home. 

The Goddess will never come back through books and workshops. 

The Goddess resides in the home, and the family must come back.

Julia: If we are looking for the feminine principle in our lives, how can we bring back the Goddess? Many of us don't know how to do this.

Prince Hirindra: The first step is that every woman has to encourage her family to eat together and say prayers to the Goddess before eating food. This is practical. The mother makes the food with the husband if she is married. And if she is single, she must keep one seat empty for the Goddess. She should decorate the seat, put a cloth over it, and put flowers on the plate.

When you pray before eating, you say, "Thank you Goddess for the abundance on the table, made with love. 

Purify this food of any impure thoughts, that it may nurture us in thy highest presence. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to feed you through Julia" (or whoever). The food is now pure.

Think about lettuce. From the time the lettuce is plucked from the field, it is exposed to the thoughts of all those who are in its presence. If someone serves you a beautiful salad, the lettuce in that salad has been exposed to the thoughts of the cook. He may be cursing the people in the kitchen, and those thoughts are in your salad.

Food is contaminated by thought, and we should pray for it to be purified from the thoughts that have entered into it.

When we make food with love, we purify the food. And prayers change the vibratory rate of food. This is quantum physics. When we have offered prayers before eating, we are now ingesting food that vibrates at a higher level with the Goddess energy. When we say our prayer, we bring back the matriarchal energy.

The second step involves intimacy between the husband and wife. The husband must learn to look upon his wife as a goddess, so that she will see the husband as a god. Before they make love at night, they will pray to the Goddess, "Tonight we dedicate our love and joy to you. 

We thank the Goddess and the Lord for bringing us this opportunity to experience intimacy." This will bring the man and woman together. Sex can then become a divine experience.

The third step is that, once or twice each month, we must have picnics and games and fun. We should talk to the trees, birds, and flowers. Ask the children if they can hear the trees talking. Identifying with nature brings the Goddess back. Let the children take the food and learn about the family concept of "we."

We should have prayers and thank the Goddess for bringing us together here in nature and for our time together here. The children can play hide-and-seek. Or presents can be hidden in the forest for the children so that they begin to experience the Goddess. The moment we connect back into the family or a "we" concept, the Goddess comes back.

The Goddess will not come back unless we start on a simple level in the home. The Goddess will never come back through books and workshops. The Goddess resides in the home, and the family must come back.

We have to bring prayer back, because prayer develops our character.

The three actions I have described above, involving food, prayerful intimacy between husband and wife, and playful celebration of nature and the Goddess with our family, will bring out our innocence. God and the Goddess serve those who are innocent.

Today our prayers are so "intelligent." God does not allow himself to become the prisoner of our intelligence. Faith, love, and trust are innocent.

Everyone asks me if this is all that is needed to bring the Goddess back. They say my answers are too simple. And I respond that these answers are simple because truth is not complex.

It is the simple tasks in our everyday life that will change the world."


Posted here by
Reverend Crystal Cox
Bringing Back Goddess Church

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