Sunday, May 10, 2015

Having a sense of detachment can give you Joy, Contentment, and Peace

This is not about not feeling emotion or caring of a situation, but instead not sitting in judgement of you or others involved. Simply observing, allowing it to flow, without hopes of a particular outcome, without judgement of any of it and without expectations and illusions.

Having detachment to an outcome, and releasing your version of how things “should” be, can be not only liberating but also help you to create the energy you wish to be living in and not get stuck in delusions, expectations or the burden of being attached to a particular outcome to any given situation and from that point you can have peace as to how others act, live or create their reality and you can create yours free from all delusions of the expectations of others.  When you are no longer attached to particular outcomes, they stop controlling you and altering the path of the outcome you really want.

- Pleiadian Scriptures ~ Reverend Crystal Cox

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