Wednesday, September 2, 2015

King of the Hill NO MORE by Reverend Crystal Cox

With new protests popping up, Protesting against Immigrants.  I am reminded of the game King of the Hill.  Whereby the biggest, strongest push off whoever was on the Hill, hence King of the Hill before they got there.

In what is now considered America, the USA, there was a great game of King of the Hill long ago. Whereby the white folks were biggest and strongest and then became King of the Hill.

These folks pushed the Mexicans, Spanish, Indians, and all manner of Tribes, OFF the Hill. They killed them with the ol’ Gatling Gun. They forced their spiritual beliefs on them and made the natives spiritual beliefs go underground with extreme violence. They took their way of life, changed their clothes, and removed their sacred quality of life, along with their language.

And they did so by FORCE, by Slaughter, by VIOLENCE. They killed the buffalo in mass to starve the people on the HILL. After the blood spilled on Mother Earth and on THEIR LAND, these new KINGS of the Hill stuck their flag in the ground and called it their America, the USA.

And they did most of this in the name of their God and of Jesus Christ, as they forced their bible, their beliefs on these people with violent hand, oppression, cruelty and abuse.

They dammed the rivers and charged for Electricity. They bring in wind and Sun and charge for it’s use. They leave wastelands as they drill for oil, dig for coal, and they fill the pure sacred water with toxins that they cannot remove. And now they are demanding that IMMIGRANTS go home?

Many white folk, Irish, English, Muslim, Chinese actually did come here before the group of white folks that decided to remove the inhabitants forcefully and call it theirs. They came here and they left. Without taking over and staking claim.

Those in power in the USA now, they are Immigrants. We all know this, yet so many are still chanting Immigrants go home, supporting the building of a ridiculous wall, and fighting for the rights of whites over what they call immigrants and wanting to SEND THEM HOME.

I hear people, weekly at least, complain that others need to learn their language or go home. And I love that saying that we don’t speak Cherokee, or any First Nations language, yet so many demand that their language be learned.

We white people, our ancestors came from another country. We IMMIGRATED here and our bloodline did not ask for papers, permission or even respect the culture. They did not pay a fee, integrate with the culture, respect the land, or honor the current rulers of the time.  They simply took the land, murdered the people and took their way of life, their religion and changed their life forever, seemingly with no remorse or true Christianity.  And now they are spouting about IMMIGRANTS go home. Immigrants taking jobs. It’s all an illusion folks, it’s hate, it’s dark. It is certainly not of the Light and about Love. And it is darn well not CHRIST like.

Jesus Christ, ya know that White Guy, I mean that dark skinned guy that Immigrated here in the bible with those who took over America and they claim to be here because and stand in the name of. Yet they are NOTHING like Christ would have been in the true essence of Christ’s life story or Christ Consciousness.

They literally used the Bible, used the Sacredness of Christ to justify their slaughter, land theft, and horrific genocide. That is not the Jesus Christ I know and love.

On top of that, the Immigrants such as African Americans, well we all know how that story goes. Those same white folks needed some human slaves to help with their agenda, and you know the rest of that evil story.

And the immigrants such as those from Mexico so many whine about, well they are at the foundation of our country. They work hard, and they take care of us. Have some respect. And yes there are plenty of bad people out there doing evil things and they are of every color. The REFORM needs to be Justice, Equality, Transparency and Accountability for each person INDIVIDUALLY based on their PERSONAL actions and not on any color of any person.

We are all HOME on Mother Earth, this is our home. 

We are one tribe. 

We are the Human race. 


It is not about man made business, money, greed, staking your spot and claim. It’s about love, sharing, caring, and not about sending others out to freeze and starve because you got there first and FORCED ownership through genocide and horrific violence.

If you believe in reincarnation as I do, then we all were many different races and from many different countries. And if you believe as I do, that alien life, as in life on other planets, is just as real as we are and the air we breath then you believe Earth is simply another location in the Universe, of which we are specs of sand of LOVE of LIGHT.

And we are not RULERS of Territory, Hoarders of FOOD and Shelter, Controllers of Warmth and Comfort. We MUST serve each other as Christ would, for those who claim Christianity as their reason.  And that does not mean you have to help everyone. A hand up, not necessarily a hand out. However, it also not about superiority or one CLAN or COLOR having a claim over a territory and forcing others out simply because they have bigger guns and power and ran off the natives.

Basic food, shelter, staying warm and dry, and basic dignity should not be a privilege. Come on folks, truly what would the Jesus you claim to know and love do? Do you think he would BUILD a wall between your manmade borders and boundaries and send people on the other side off to suffer, drown, or starve? Really ?

I am a 4th generation Montanan myself, related to Meriwether Lewis, and I have always felt deep love for the First Nations and a call to heal the past in the Now. I am in no way in support of some wall, of hate, of cruelty and of letting people be harmed, drown or treated badly because we will not allow them into a country that is not really ours, as white people.

Though I love to say I have a Cherokee Heart, and I love Native Americans with all I know to be me, I am still White, and I still feel a need to put the energy out there of LOVE, and not of Hate. And to put perspective on it all.

The FACT is the INDIAN NATION is Sovereign here, should be, and not Donald Trump and those who believe as he does about Immigration. The First Nations SHOULD be making the rules, it’s their land. Love it, Respect it and them or LEAVE, I Say.

I am Grateful that this current “debate” as they call it, is fulfilling prayer and destiny in essence as it’s illuminating the issues of Immigration, which illuminate that there were brown folks, real living breathing humans, here of many tribes, religions and ways of live LONG before the white folk came, killed them and said there now it’s mine.

It is illuminating the dark and making way for the light, for that I am Grateful.

And it will eventually show all that we are vulnerable as humans, and we have the same needs, the same common ground, and we are all temporary here. We all deserve dignity, warmth, shelter, food, clean water, clean air, clean soil, love and to pray to who we are kin to.

We are here having a human experience. Life is short, our Spirit lives on. This debate, this battle will illuminate that in which happened to the First Nations, those in all the states before the current white leadership and that truly is of the Light and will begin to heal us all at a very deep ancestral level.

Goddess Bless You All of Every Color 

 <takes a bow> to the First Nations

Reverend Crystal Cox

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